Were doing a Brokeback Mountain shoot #cowboy #double #twin /6EIbE3Is4D #foryourconsideration #emmy #iwanttothanktheacademy /YVCX6OU3cXĢ : There's two sides to a story so don't judge.īad news! Sorry guys this happened two weeks ago im sick from what happened and sorry for all future jobs but Josh doesn't wanna work! LM /LYKMyrBgYl
Guys how flippin cute do I look? On set Chicago Med.season finale episode. Hey guys, here's a picture of my dick! Let's all talk about that, and not my relationship ✋.because it's none of your god damn business ☺️ /9fKDPIlYTr To save people their frustration, I am not interested in working with NextDoorEbony, but thanks.